Socially responsible company

The products developed in ICB Pharma’s laboratories improve the quality and comfort of people’s life and also they facilitate solving the social problems in many countries worldwide.

It is a privilege and obligation at the same time. We are obliged to be socially responsible company, not only in the area of creation and development of the groundbreaking and environmentally friendly products, or maintaining the highest standards of production, but also the engagement into the life of the communities that use our solutions.

Local partnerships

„Think global, act local”, the famous statement of René Jules Dubos – the French microbiologist, agronomist and ecologist, is our motto in the field of social responsibility in business. Although we operate on several dozens of markets in the world, we do not forget about local roots and reality.

The expression of such a diligence is our involvement in the projects, which similarly to our products improve the comfort of living and facilitate solving the social problems. We are more than happy when our initiatives gain approval among local communities.

Local partnerships - photo of the statuette

Supporting the patient-oriented organizations

Our company often involves into support of the patient – oriented organizations such as Polish Association of Atopic Diseases (Polskie Towarzystwo Chorób Atopowych – PTCA), which is an association supporting people suffering from atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and allergies of different origin.

One of the projects carried out in association with PTCA was called “The Doors – opening doors to the new job”, dedicated for the adults suffering from atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. The programme enabled individuals living with those diseases finding the job.

Supporting the patient-oriented organizations - photo

Educational actions

We also perform educational actions, which aim at fighting the health problems, to which the best remedies are our medical devices. One of the instances of such actions are the projects touching the effective pediculosis treatment in children, co – developed with educational establishments.

Photo of children at school

Supporting the artistic initiatives

The company’s owners, being the great music fans, support also musical initiatives that particularly emphasize the young musicians’ development.

Supporting the artistic initiatives - photo of artists

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