ICB Pharma is one of the most innovative chemical companies in the world.

Number 180

more than 180 products

Number 60

global patents

Number 10

innovative products a year

The philosophy of operation in the area of research and development

The chemists of ICB Pharma take well-tested patent and publication solutions with market potential as the basis for research and marketing of innovative products. Using such solid resources, they treat them as the base for development of new formulas which are often breakthrough due to their innovativeness, and the best of them later take the form of market products which are offered to customers in many countries in the world.

Reaching those solutions, they try to avoid the mistakes of many teams of researchers, such as concentration of the research on directions which are bound to fail or do not guarantee any contribution – absorbing time and resources and giving results which have little influence on subsequent performance properties of the products.

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The heart of ICB Pharma

In three excellently-equipped laboratories, high-class ICB Pharma chemists develop products which are safe for the environment, distinguished for their production technology (micro- and nanoencapsulation) and effectiveness, in Health Care, Crop Solutions and Pest Innovations divisions, which are also the main three pillars of the ICB Pharma’s operations.

The research and development lab is one of the oldest divisions in the company, and its heart. It is here, where the innovative approach, hidden within the company’s DNA, to the creation of effective, unique chemical products results in development of formulas the best of which reach, in the form of products, the markets of nearly all continents. Its work is supervised by dr Janusz Świętosławski, the honorary president of ICB Pharma and spiritus movens of the company.

The process of creation of new products is co-ordinated by the Research and Development Department at ICB Pharma.

The research and development laboratory of ICB Pharma is one of few in the world where biologically-active micro-encapsulated products are manufactured, with solid and liquid nuclei,
with designable period of release of active substances. It was here that the first world’s micro-capsules were developed which release substances under the pressure of insects’ feet. Research is continually conducted on new products eliminating pests: lice, fleas, mosquitos, ticks, or mites.

The advanced chemical and processing equipment allows the chemical-development laboratory of ICB Pharma to develop any product, both in the sector of cosmetics, agrochemistry and medicine.

The raw materials warehouse located at the back of the laboratory covers several thousand items and is a collection of unique samples from all over the world.

In the analytical laboratory of ICB Pharma, company’s specialists carry out physico-chemical tests
and chemical analyses of the company’s products which are introduced in the market. They test, for instance, the appearance, PH, combustibility of solids, viscosity, surface pressure, and they perform tests of accelerated aging of products. Among other things, they also analyse technical properties of crop protection products and biocide products marketed by ICB Pharma.

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World-class standards

The labs of ICB Pharma are equipped with the state-of-the-art equipment of producers such as Antoon Paar, Shimadzu, Biolin, Brookfield, Ika, Binder or Heidolph and they are located in the modern premises of the company situated in the south of Poland which came to use in 2015. They meet all the world’s requirements concerning safe and correct conduct of research.

ICB Pharma holds a certificate of compliance with the rules of Good Laboratory Practice, issued by the Inspector for Chemical Substances regarding physical-chemical research and chemical analysis.

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The following companies entrusted us:

ICB Pharma uses its experience in the area of analytics, research and development also rendering commercial services in this area through the Product Research, Development & Analytics Division, whose recipients are Polish and foreign chemical and pharmaceutical companies.

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