ICB Pharma is a family business, one of the most innovative chemical companies in its sector, operating internationally.

Innovative products


Nowadays, in excellently equipped laboratories, ICB Pharma’s scientists create innovative products used in the following sectors: health protection, sanitary hygiene, agriculture, gardening and animal breeding. The dominant position in the offer is taken by the products dedicated to elimination of biological threats, e.g. sanitary pests, human parasites and agrophages.

ICB Pharma’s products are the example of most modern solutions, where highest biological efficacy is linked with minimization of unfavorable influence on people and environment. In case of many of our products, the original and highly advanced technologies – e. g. micro and nano encapsulations are applied.

ICB Pharma’s activity perfectly fits into the development trends in practical chemistry and biology. That is why the manufactured products are appreciated and in common usage worldwide. In many countries they introduced a true breakthrough in solving difficult issues concerning the environmental threats. In the field of health protection, ICB Pharma is famous for excellent and safe solutions in pediculosis treatment or neutralizing the allergenic factors. In the area of sanitary hygiene, the introduction of innovative microencapsulated products as well as the original solutions in mosquito control was a real turning point in pest control sector. Also in animal breeding the non-chemical, safe method of poultry ectoparasite control was successfully put into practice. As far as the sector of horticulture is concerned, ICB Pharma became famous worldwide for excellent solutions in plant pest management, with no traditional, chemical pesticides.

The instances mentioned above are only few among many successes of the company. Our portfolio contains many other, interesting solutions.

In terms of the company’s developmental activities and operations, ICB Pharma cooperates with many renewed scientific institutions in the world. Our employees take part in many research projects. We also take active part in scientific conferences, trade shows and exhibitions. Such a policy allows our company to function according to the highest standards, the newest trends as well as to constantly raise the prestige, not only of the company’s itself, but also of the manufactured products.

The company’s activity is provided in 5 main departments:

Health Care (human health protection), Animal Health (animal health protection), Pest Innovation (pest control) and Crop Solutions (solutions for agriculture and horticulture).

The company’s offer is complemented by the services of our chemical laboratories, functioning in the area of Products’ Research and Development as well as Physio – chemical Analyses.

High-class laboratories

ICB Pharma is among most innovative entities in the chemical sector. Our specialists use highest class laboratories on a daily basis.

The company’s heart is the Research and Development Laboratory, where the innovative technologies and products are created for every of the ICB Pharma’s departments. Our team consists of thoroughly experienced chemists and biologists.

The activities of the Research and Development laboratory are supported by Biological Laboratory, which constitutes the research area essential for the assessment of the biological efficacy of the manufactured products. The way laboratories are equipped as well as the cultivations conducted of different bio tests allow to carry out tests and researches through the whole year. This is the crucial element of the research and development work’s dynamics.

The current, biological quality control of ICB Pharma’s commercial products is performed by Biological Laboratory.

ICB Pharma’s Analytical Laboratory performs the physiochemical tests of the raw materials and finished products within the scope of current quality control. The analytical services are performed not only for R&D Department, but also for the external customers for i.a. the registration purposes of different chemical products (plant protection products, biocides and others).

The laboratory proceeds according to the commonly-recognized analytical methods and uses the equipment meeting the highest world standards. ICB Pharma’s Analytical Laboratory was certified with Good Laboratory Practice Certificate (GLP). Due to this fact, the results of the analyses prepared by our laboratory are internationally recognized by all institutions.

The company possesses modern infrastructure of production and warehouse facilities. The services we provide are conducted according to the highest organizational standards as well as by use of restrictive procedures of quality control. It guarantees the high quality of manufactured products.

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