The philosophy of ICB Pharma quality

The quality of ICB Pharma is defined not only through the prism of excellently-equipped laboratories and held certificates. We extend its definition by employing the best specialists in each area of operation of ICB Pharma and through the co-operation with the leading global business partners.

Our quality philosophy is based on:

  • its continuous improvement and uncompromised approach to its definition
  • building a team of the best specialists and facilitating their development
  • investments in the highest class infrastructure and production technologies
  • minimization of all risks associated with our operating activity
  • effective, computerized management
  • high degree of work order and responsibility enabling our specialists to develop their creativity
  • meeting clients’ expectations
Lab Photo

At ICB Pharma, we endeavour to ensure that our products and technologies contribute to the solution of important social problems.

These efforts would not be realistic without the maintenance of the highest quality standards.


Our competence concerning the quality policy is confirmed by recognized certificates. Despite their prestige, we treat them as a step towards our excellence.
Good Labolatory Practice Certificate

The Good Laboratory Practice Certificate (DPL)

ICB Pharma holds a certificate of compliance with the rules of Good Laboratory Practice NR 13/2023/DPL, issued by the Inspector for Chemical Substances regarding physical-chemical research and chemical analysis.

The Good Laboratory Practice is a quality assurance system required by law of non-clinical laboratory research, serving the evaluation of properties of substances and mixtures
with regard to their safety and health for humans and the environment.

The conduct of research according to the rules of the Good Laboratory Practice means the recognition of results submitted for registration purposes in all OECD and other countries.

The compliance with the rules of Good Laboratory Practice also guarantees that the analyses conducted outside the Good Laboratory Practice system are performed at the highest level.
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ISO 9001:2015-10 Certificate

EN ISO 9001:2015 standard

ISO 9001 is currently the most popular standard of the management system, with more than a million certified organizations in 180 countries all over the world. ISO 9001 certification is addressed to companies which wish to confirm the meeting of the requirements of the standard and constitutes a proof of continuous improvement of the company.

ISO 9001:2015 is the latest version of this norm which is setting out the quality standards. Among other things, it places particular emphasis on assessment and elimination of risks associated with the conducted activity, as well as the influence of the conducted activity on end user satisfaction.
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ISO 13485 Certificate

PN-EN ISO 13485 standard

ISO 13485 is an international standard specifying the requirements concerning medicinal products whose purpose is to guarantee the highest quality of products and their compliance with legal requirements and client expectations.

The implementation of ISO 13485 perfectly fits the quality philosophy of ICB Pharma, because it is based on an analysis of probability of occurrence of risk to users of medicinal products, and then, development of corrective measures aimed at prevention of such risk and adaptation of the offered products to the binding legal standards.
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At ICB Pharma, we are aware that the quality assurance process if a continuous, unlimited process. That is why we treat the above information as an open set which, together with the development of technology and knowledge regarding the shaping of the quality policy, we will continue to develop on a regular basis. – this sentence is very important – it needs to be highlighted and placed in a visible position.

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