Fertiliser containing photosynthesis promoters, micro- and macronutrients.
  • improves the photosynthesis
  • enhances yield quantity and quality
  • increases plant resistance in sub-optimal conditions for plant growth
  • speeds up plant development
  • promotes the antocyanin biosynthesis leading to better fruit colorations
  • improves uptake and utilisation of minerals by plants
Alatis - visualisation


Alatis® is intended for foliar and soil application on fruit trees, berries, vegetables and ornamental plants.

It contains macro- and micronutrients as well as photosynthesis promoters (among others, chlorophyll precursor, analogous to naturally occurring in plants).

It is used to promote photosynthesis, especially in conditions unfavourable to plant growth (e.g. lack of light).


Alatis® is characterised by high absorption of fertiliser components. The product enhances the photosynthesis process, increases the tolerance of plants to unfavourable weather conditions.

Thanks to the fertiliser, plants become more vital and stronger.

Alatis® improves production of dry matter and sugar in plants and extends the harvest period, especially in greenhouses.


Alatis® enhances the photosynthesis, especially in conditions that are unfavourable to normal plant growth, e.g. light deficiency. In addition, product increases plant resistance to a number of stress factors, improves yield and harvested crop quality parameters.

After application of the product, improved uptake of minerals is observed especially under conditions of intensive fertilisation.

Alatis® also substantially increases the intensity of the blush of tree fruits (e.g. apples).

It is recommended to use Alatis® in a tank mix with Megis®, in order to raise beneficial impact to plants condition.


Alatis® is offered in a 1 L package.

Custom options available upon request.


Our prospective partners are granted with high standards of cooperation, professional support, attractive purchase prices, short lead-time and above all – the product of the highest quality. We shall eagerly enter into business relation with reliable and experienced partners from different parts of the world. If you are interested in this unique product, please contact us.

We offer:

  • Assistance in legalisation procedures and preparing a registration dossier
  • Marketing supports
  • Technical advice
  • Product trainings

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