our business profile

The innovative agrochemical products manufactured by the ICB Pharma Crop Solutions Department are used for crop protection in horticulture and agriculture, and for increasing the quality and quantity of crops.

The dominating direction of the development of products offered by the ICB Pharma Crop Solutions Department is the products for fighting plant pests. They do not contain traditional chemical pesticides, and their impact on pests has only a physical character. These new insecticides and acaricides perfectly match the current trends in agriculture, aimed at protection of plants against pests in a manner which is safer for humans and the environment.

The ICB Pharma Crop Solutions Department also manufactures plant growth stimulators, products increasing the resistance of plants to diseases and pests, often used as an effective alternative for traditional crop protection products or as their complement.

An important element of the ICB Pharma Crop Solutions Department constitutes adjuvants (pesticide supporting products) dedicated to particular groups of crop protection products.

Great success of the Crop Solutions Department is the implementation in practice of a product increasing the attractiveness of plant blossoms for pollinating insects. This effect translates to significant increase of crop quality and quantity. The product is manufactured with the use of micro-encapsulation method, which significantly contributes to the viability of this solution.

Products of the ICB Pharma Crop Solutions Department are available in a number of European, Arabic countries and countries of Central America, as well as Russia.

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